MiniMaster for Migrants
Organisation and country where the good practice has been implemented: Cometa Formazione
Title: MiniMaster for Migrants
Main Theme/Area of intervention: Social Inclusion
Main objectives: it is a 1-year work-based training program on catering and housekeeping. This program aims at reducing 1) the risk of social exclusion and marginalization; 2) unemployment, often correlated to deviance and crime; 3) skills gap faced by local companies; 4) social negative attitude among the local society.
Target groups addressed: The Minimaster trains future waiters/waitresses and housekeepers for the (mainly) local hospitality sector, including hotels/restaurants directly involved in the course offering both internships and work-based learning on their premises with their own professionals.
Main activities necessary for its realisation: The basic approach relies on the pedagogical framework of Inclusive Excellence by Cometa, aiming at learners’ Human Integral Development. There are 4 main activities: 1) Welcoming, interview and scouting; 2) Training: 1,300 hours course including 960h of internship; basic and technical skills are core; local culture; 3) Tutoring, a personalized support on both professional skills and human development, soft skills; 4) Matching with companies.
Results achieved: In the last 10 years, placement results keep being very positive. One year after obtaining their certificate, 60% of learners have a job.
Innovation: First of all, it is important to highlight how the MiniMaster is an effective training based on a mix of professional skills and cultural/foundational skills. The work-based structure plays a crucial role for its effectiveness. A consistent integration is possible thanks to a human integral development approach, where every learner is personally supported, including social and psychological skills.
Finally, the ecosystemic approach contributes to strengthening the training and to increase placement rate, as well as to raise awareness in the local community. Companies, local NGOs, institutions find in Cometa as VET centre the leader of an initiative where they become beneficiaries and co-creators
Transferability: Two immediate tools can be transferred, if related to an adequate training: 1) the curriculum as developed by Cometa, including professional, foundational and soft skills; 2) the scheme of partnership with the local community including companies, NGOs, institutions, among the others
Impact: Local