Study visit at Ecole42 in the framework of the second Training Seminar of VET IN 3D
During the second Training Event some study visits were organised in local companies that are relevant for the topic addressed by the project. Ecole42 was selected for its innovative pedagogical approach to computer training as it can be inspiring for the setting up of new learners centred methodologies and for boosting the development of entrepreneurial and learning to learn skills, among others.
This institute is part of the international Ecoles 42 network that is established in more than 22 countries. In France there are two schools, one in Paris and the one our delegation visited, which is located in Lyon, inside the campus Region du Numérique.
Visitors were guided through the facilities by some students who explained them how the school works. Since the selection phase, the so-called piscine, the candidates have to solve challenges in autonomy and through the collaboration with their mates. The ability and propensity to collaborate with others together with problem solving skills are thus fundamental for accessing the school.
Peer learning approach is one of the main pillars of the Ecole42 approach as teachers do not exist and students learn by doing and exchanging with each other: No theoretical teaching but only practicals are assigned in which students are encouraged to support each other in their accomplishment.
Particularly interesting is how the learning path is structured, which is based on project that are visualised by students in this way:
The curriculum is split in two parts: the common core (inner circles), which broadly covers all topics of computer science. In the second part, students specialise into their own favourite topic (outer treks).
Undoubtedly Ecole42 can be a source of inspiration for bringing innovation in VET didactics so was definitely worth a visit.
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