VET IN 3D Training Seminar in Lisbon


The VET IN 3D partnership successfully run Training Seminar in Lisbon, Portugal

The VET in 3D project stems from the Thematic Teams promoted by EfVET, an initiative established in 2018 that has brought together VET organisations to add knowledge in specific fields and foster innovation among VET providers. Its objectives are the promotion of innovation in VET, the improvement of the competences of VET teachers in methodological issues and the promotion of the internationalisation of all VET providers.

The VET in 3D project involves 9 organisations from 8 different countries working on three dimensions, labelled as drivers of excellence in VET: Social Inclusion, Entrepreneurship and Technology-Enhanced Learning.

“By going deeper into these three dimensions, we seek to generate thematic seminars and disseminate good practices, not only among the project partners, but also with other institutions related to VET”, emphasises Alfredo Garmendia, who is in charge of the project at the Centro San Viator, a centre associated to the Association of Vocational Training Centres FPEmpresa and one of the nine organisations that are part of the European project VET in 3D. “From our centre we lead the Social Inclusion dimension, although we work and promote the different and inevitable synergies that occur between all of them”, he adds.

The first of the thematic seminars took place in Portugal from 28 to 30 September 2021, hosted by INETE, and the next one will be organised in Lyon in May 2022.

“In this first seminar, in addition to the three dimensions, the focus was on the implementation of good practices in a specific sector: tourism,” said EfVET Project Coordinator Vittoria Valentina Di Gennaro. “Given the importance of tourism for the European economy and the need for its revival after the outbreak of COVID-19, we wanted to raise awareness on how these three dimensions of excellence can be applied in this sector and also improve the quality of VET,” she stressed.

Many were the best practices presented by the partners and also other organisations: Bernardo Caeiro Pires from JA Portugal, Miki Nozawa – UNEVOC, presenting UNEVOC guidelines for entrepreneurial learning; Mariavittoria Garlappi explained the role played by ETF in promoting entrepreneurial VET; Maria Gómez Ortueta – SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación) introduced the Importance of international collaboration; Mauro Figueiredo from the University of Algarve, presented the Milage App, useful for breaking barriers in learning Math; Jozefina Maróti from Maróti Könyvkereskedés Kft., who explained the technical teacher training in the automotive sector.

VET IN 3D partners also gave the opportunity to go on study visits on the afternoon sessions where – according to the topic covered – they learnt about the work and values of different entities, among them Impact House, Humanidade, ErgoUX – FA/Universidade de Lisboa.

The three-day seminar was a very successful event, and we expect that so will be also the one that will be organised in Lyon, hosted by SEPR.

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