SELFIE WBL pilot in Hungary
Organisation and country where the good practice has been implemented: Association for Hungarian Digital Education (AHDE)
Title: SELFIE WBL pilot in Hungary
Main Theme/Area of intervention: Technology Enhanced Learning
Main objectives: Within the pilot program, The European Commission’s science and knowledge service (Joint Research Centre or JRC), in collaboration with EfVET and its partners in France, Germany, Hungary and Poland, tests the SELFIE system’s extension to the work based learning in order to acquire relevant information on its functionality and effectiveness before its rollout in Europe.
Target groups addressed: In Hungary, 14 VET schools (Higher VET) were involved in the pilot from 4 regions and representing 6 sectors as follows: Agriculture/Agro-economy/Food industry; Technology & Engineering; Tourism and catering; Art & Design; Health & Welfare; Business. Participation Ratio: 40% of students and 40% of teachers involved in WBL school by school; Criteria: size, geographical location, diversity of sectors in which WBL are being provided.
Main activities necessary for its realisation:
- Translation and Adjustment of SLEFIE- WBL to the Context
- Selection and Engagement of Stakeholders
III. Piloting SELFIE WBL in 14 VET Schools and Companies (Webinar with stakeholders + On going support to VET schools)
- Qualitative research
* Desk Research – (Comprehensive desk research on all official and available websites from Governmental Institutions responsible for overseeing the WBL in the country; Collect information from the different stakeholders engaged in the pilot)
* Focus Groups (2 separate Focus Groups in each Vet School (10 learners per focus group and 10 teachers) – 28 in total; Facilitated by AHDE)
* In-depth interviews (4 in-company trainers; 4 Pedagogical Managers/Directors; 4 Head or Managers of Sectors; 4 Head of Board/ Director) Case Studies
Results achieved: As the result of the pilot
- 28 Focus Groups were run
- 20 deep interviews were run
- 2 Case studies were developed
- 14 Hungarian VET colleges
- 38 Companies
- 1558 students, 452 teachers, 48 school leaders and 32 company trainers were involved
Innovation: Innovation – Why is SELFIE useful for your school and company?
- Allows you to assess how you are doing in terms of digital technology in a systematic way;
- Designed to enable schools and companies to see their strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement in digital technology across 8 areas, through different statements;
- Stimulates discussion about technology in schools and companies;
- Opens up debate about the future digital plan;
- Compares and contrasts evolution/progress over time;
- Improves learning in both school and company and improves mentoring and guidance;
- Involvement of the participants in the strategy development and action planning;
- It is not about technology but focuses on 8 mutually dependent areas of digital education.
Transferability: It is transferable at all level – both system and organisational
Impact: National