The Project

VET in 3D is an Erasmus+ project, which started in November 2020 and it is foreseen to be completed in October 2022. The project VET in 3D stems from the Thematic Teams initiative launched in 2018 by EfVET, which has seen groups of VET organisations working together to aggregate expertise in specific fields and promote innovation and opportunities among VET operators. The project seeks to create more opportunities for VET organisations to exchange practices and discuss about innovation on a regular basis; to improve the competences of the VET staff on innovative teaching methodologies and raise awareness on three dimensions of VET considered as primary drivers of excellence: entrepreneurship education; social inclusion; technology enabled learning (TEL), with the final aim to innovate VET provision in Europe through an intense capacity building action addressed to VET teachers.

The Aim

  • To create opportunities to promote innovation of VET organisations by capitalising existing European good practices and boost their transferability.
  • To improve the competences of the VET staff on innovative teaching methodologies and raise awareness on the most relevant themes on the agenda for the development of innovation in Europe.
  • To improve the internationalisation strategies of VET providers, including fostering the “internationalisation at home” processes.
project target

To Whom it is addressed

figures 4

VET in 3D addresses 7 target groups, each of them will be involved in two interconnected level of participation:

  • Direct involvement. Target groups involved directly will consist of VET Teachers, Headmasters, VET Organisation’s Staff.
  • Indirect involvement. Target groups involved indirectly will be represented by VET Learners, Business Actors, Civil Servants and Policy Makers, Universities and Research Centers or NGOs. By valorisation activities at local level.

What is to be created

  • Develop, test and mainstream a format of transnational conference where VET schools around Europe can meet to exchange practices and work on innovation in VET every year;
  • Improve competences of VET practitioners on topics such as entrepreneurship education, social inclusion, technology enabled learning, tourism and sustainability.
  • Create a collection of practices on the three-target dimension of VET and finally, generate new follow-up initiatives.
project results

The Impact

project impact
  • For VET teachers to stimulate lifelong learning and the key competence “learning to learn” among them as well as civic competences and communication in a second language due to the participation in mobility experiences. They will also benefit from an increased knowledge of the VET systems in other nations as well as the Erasmus+ programme.
  • For the staff of VET organisations, it will mean more competences on how to support VET providers in generating innovation.
  • VET learners will be the final beneficiaries of the practices exchanged as a consequence of the increased competence/knowledge of teachers and the practices transferred by partners into their local context.
  • For VET organisations, the impact of VET in 3D will be in terms of more synergies developed, mutual understanding, mutual trust and strengthened collaboration with VET providers; for VET schools in an improvement of the quality of the education.