A fair for innovation

The second LTTA took place on 3-5 May 2022 in Lyon. SEPR hosted the event in the school facilities
(46 Rue Professeur Rochaix, 69003 Lyon, France).


29 participants gather from the 9 partner organisations. These participants were selected internally to each partner’s organisation according to the relevance of their role played in relation to the content of the event. Partnership also invited external organisations as participants and/or to facilitate some activities linked to good practices or initiatives in the field of Social inclusion, entrepreneurial learning, TEL, sustainability, tourism and internationalisation of education. In total additional 6 participants from 6 external organisations took part as participants whereas other 4 representatives of 2 organisations presented their good practices or facilitated a learning workshop. 9 keynote speakers representing different stakeholders were invited to provide insights in relation to several topics linked to the focus of the projects.


Following the first edition feedback the 2022 event was shaped differently, with working sessions in the morning and visits in the afternoon.

During the morning, working sessions were organised in parallel in order to dedicate more time to each one but also to shorten the duration of the working time. The activities were dedicated to the exchange of good practices, expert or keynote speeches, learning and explorative workshops. They focused on Social inclusion, Entrepreneurial learning and TEL but also they explored connections with internationalisation and sustainability dimensions as well as some activities presented the application on specific sectors (ie. tourism).

In total 15 good practices were presented and 9 of them were coupled with an interactive learning workshop aimed to make some tests, facilitate the exchange of experience among participants, explore the application of the good practice in different contexts, brainstorm further developments and set up new collaborations.

During each afternoon some visits were organised. The first day, SEPR provided a guided tour in their facilities and participants were given some time to interview the responsible of each department.

During the second day 7 field visits were organised in strategic and relevant companies.
The complete agenda of the event is attached to this report.


Evidence from evaluation and self assessment questionnaire shows that this event contributed to the achievement of the project objectives as detailed below.

Results related to the objective 1 “To Create more opportunities for VET organisations to exchange practices and discuss innovation on a regular basis”: The format of the seminar was well appreciated, scoring better than the previous edition. Of the respondents, the ones that rated “excellent” or “really good” amounted to 71% for plenaries, 93% for parallel workshops and 86% for field visits. Results related to objective 2. “To improve the competences of the VET staff on innovative teaching methodologies […]”:

– 86% improved their knowledge on Entrepreneurial learning strategies and initiatives;

– 32% of participants improved their knowledge on Social Inclusion strategies and initiatives;

– 48% of participants improved their knowledge on Technology enhance learning strategies and initiatives;

– 40% of participants acknowledged new opportunities and strategies for innovating VET Curricula.

Most probably, learning outcomes were inferior to the previous year because we decreased the number of activities but also because most of the relevant good practices had already been discussed during the first LTTA event.

Despite this, 92% of participants considered the good practices exchanged relevant for their organisational context and needs and 68% of respondents stated that they would consider to transfer some in their context.

Results linked to objectives 3 “To develop synergies among VET organisations in Europe […]”: 84% of participants declared to have increased their networks. It was possible to reach a higher score than the previous year because 10 external organisations were involved in the event on site (the previous year externals participated online mainly).

Not only, the event took place in contemporary with other international activities of SEPR and networking activities were jointly organised (ie. blind dinner). In this way the participants met with other VET schools and had the occasion to promote the project and set the basis for new collaborations.

Further details on quantitative and qualitative results are included in the Final report that is attached to this report.

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