Technical vocational teacher’s training

Organisation and country where the good practice has been implemented: Maróti Könyvkereskedés Kft.

Title: Technical vocational teacher’s training

Main Theme/Area of intervention: Technology Enhanced Learning

Main objectives: Vocational technical teachers training:

– The aim of the training is to deepen theoretical and practical knowledge on the topic of digital education methodology by an invited professional trainer.

Target groups addressed: Maróti Könyvkereskedés Kft. is the official Hungarian distributor of Electude digital e-learning solution. This product is created for technical vocational teachers and students within the automotive industry. During this good example I am describing how we target to involve the technical vocational teachers in this project. At the moment 150 technical teachers are using our e-learning platform but they are showing different activities. We have organised the most active users a 3-day-long digital educational methodology workshops, as it is clearly stated that they are open for digital teaching, but their methodology is missing.

Main activities necessary for its realisation: The training included group tasks, practical and theoretical presentations. As it was organised for 3 days (15.-16.-17. June) participants were able to deepen their knowledge about flip class, peer learning, digital tools, critical thinking, CLIL methods etc.All participants were sent beforehand eBooks and videos about the topic, and they were asked to get familiar with these.Moreover, participants had a task to create a 45 min lesson using some of the new methodology. This lesson will be recorded in our studio and then uploaded to our e-learning platform. As a result of these videos teachers will have good examples about the use of new methodology.

Key success factors:

– gaining new practical and theoretical skills

– focus on the weakness of digital methods

– create a community for technical teachers

– help for these teachers, who became ambassadors in this field

– sharing of experiences

– provide help and guidance for participants

– engage trainers for new techniques.


Results achieved: During these 3-day technical teachers training we have invited the most active users. The training was limited to 12 teachers due to the practical tasks. All together 11 teachers from 9 different automotive secondary vocational schools participated. Out of these 9 schools, only one school is based in Budapest, the remaining schools are located in the countryside.

As a result of these good examples, the followings were achieved.

– the invited teachers have a better knowledge about the new teaching methodology

– the participants are more engaged to digital solutions

– participants had a chance to engage and share experience with fellow colleagues.

– the organisers get many useful feedbacks about the usage, experience

Innovation: Nowadays bringing new technology, e-learning into education is inevitable. Secondary teachers, especially the ones in the automotive industry are facing different challenges. They do not only face the industrial technological changes (hybrid vehicle, e-mobility etc), but they realised that students also need a new attitude towards learning.If we look at the adoption and innovation curve, during our Electude project, the teachers how are actively using our product are somewhere between the innovations and early adopters. This practice brought them added value, because they are now more conscious about the new methodology and they are aware of new practices.

Transferability: We aim to achieve in the long term the early majority and late majority. This practice is transferable to other contexts as well. The company does not only focus on technical teachers, but we aim to give help, training to directors of these institutes in order to explain the different means of checking the effectiveness of these new teaching methods.

Impact: National

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