TEL to support schools’ internationalisation
Organisation and country where the good practice has been implemented: Uniser soc coop
Title: TEL to support schools’ internationalisation
Main Theme/Area of intervention: Technology Enhanced Learning
Main objectives: Increase the capacity and readiness of institutions to manage an effective shift towards a digital transformation of their international activities, with a special focus to digitalise learning mobility project’s management.
Target groups addressed:
The different tools developed by Uniser have been developed, tested and used by around 50 organisations within the framework of Erasmus + mobility and partnership projects. In particular:
– Moving Generation is proposed to organisations cooperating with Uniser to design and manage mobility activities for their staff and students
– Erasmus Learner Journey is proposed to students involved in learning and blended Erasmus mobility managed by Uniser in 2020 and 2021
– Badge Systems and Learning Playlist have been proposed to students and teachers involved in KA2 and KA1 Erasmus projects
Main activities necessary for its realisation:
Uniser has developed and implemented complementary digital tools aiming to support the schools internationalisation process. The most relevant are:
- Moving Generation: a web platform for mobility projects management. It connects sending organisations, hosting partners and mobility participants, digitalising the workflow and the exchange of information between all actors involved.
- Erasmus Learner Journey: an e-learning tool for training Erasmus participants before, during and after their mobility experience. As such, it can be used individually by the students or can be used as a base for blended mobility courses with groups of students from different countries.
- Badge Systems and Learning Playlist: online tools that can be used to support students in becoming aware and in communicating the key competences acquired out of the classroom, in particular during their mobility experiences.
Results achieved: “The tools developed by Uniser have been used by around 50 organizations from all over Europe, considering the organizations involved in the KA2 projects, the VET schools cooperating with Uniser in the KA1 projects management and the participants in the beta version testing of the platform.”
Innovation: The tools described can be an interesting opportunity for the organizations interested in internationalisation to innovate their approach in learning mobility management.
They offer an online database of learning resources and a fully digital process accessible by everybody from anywhere. This will allow schools to develop innovation by: developing their international network, learning from the experiences of other schools, accessing tools that allow to use less paper and to reduce time consuming activities while managing mobility projects.
Transferability: Being online and fully customisable, all the digital tools can be easily transferable to other organisations and adapted to different needs and contexts.
Impact: International