The SAS system

Organisation and country where the good practice has been implemented: SEPR, France

Title: The SAS system

Main Theme/Area of intervention: Social Inclusion

Main objectives: This practice is aimed at NEETs (not in employment, education or training), to help them find a dual training that suits them and facilitate their integration on the job market. We use a methodology based on learning by doing, in which we simulate a small start-up where the NEETs are ‘working’ for 9 to 13 weeks. Through this method, they get acquainted with the world of work, learn how a company is working, how to behave at work, etc. These socio-professional skills help them find an apprenticeship contract, and then remain employed.

Target groups addressed: This project started with a tender aimed at NEETs (public funds), on which teachers have been working since the beginning. 7 teachers and counselors are now involved in the sessions and have different roles (one of them is acting as the start-up manager). The NEETs are ‘working’ in 4 departments: Human Resources, Sales, Communication, Reception & Project Management. In an open-plan office, each department works towards a common goal: find and share information about companies who offer apprenticeship contracts.

Main activities necessary for its realisation: This practice is an experiment led in several VET centres in the region. It is clearly not sustainable by itself (financially speaking), but can easily be integrated into an Erasmus+ call for proposals, because of its inclusive dimension. It is important to be in contact with associations/structures that help NEETs, so they can advise them to apply to this program. Finally, the NEETs enrolled must have easy access to information about different trainings (for example through visits to the school’s workshops), so they can discover and choose what they like most.

Results achieved: The project started in 2020, and we have started the 3rd session of this start-up. There are around 15 NEETs/sessions. Unfortunately, we observed so far that around half of them have not followed the program until the end. We still have to analyse the number of NEETs who actually integrated a training at the end of it.

Innovation: The pedagogical approach of this project is innovative, because it puts young people at the core of their training, and they are truly actors of their future. It uses a company model to create a framework of skills young people will acquire during the session. In this context, teachers do not have a traditional role; they turn into mediators, suggest activities, give advice, facilitate the access to information, etc.

Transferability: This practice gives NEETs an overview of various professional sectors, so they make an informed choice; it does not target a specific sector. Therefore, it can be a good practice for large VET centers, with a variety of training fields. It is easily transferable to another country, because unfortunately NEETs can be found in all countries. The parameters to be considered are the availability of public funds, and also the partnership with a structure that guides NEETs. In France, we are working with ‘Missions Locales’, that are local information points for employment and social services of youth.

Impact: Regional

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