Organisation and country where the good practice has been implemented: ENSINUS/INETE
Title: Gamification
Main Theme/Area of intervention: Technology Enhanced Learning
Main objectives: Involve students in their own learning; motivate students; develop different soft skills (autonomy, curiosity critical thinking, cooperation)
Target groups addressed: Level 1 – Students design and create their own games; Level 2 – Students play games conceived by teachers or other students.
Main activities necessary for its realisation: In different subjects (social and cultural areas), students have the chance to learn the content through games/challenges. Among the main activities we develop research activities, selecting and treatment of information, summarising, and designing and creating the product. Different tools are used to create the games, for example Kahoot, Quizzes, QR code, Google forms. This activity allows students to develop skills, such as planning, creativity, and responsibility.
Results achieved: This methodology has become very usual after the pandemic. It was one of the objectives in teachers’ professional development last school year. Students learn by doing/researching, they develop a Healthy competition spirit and are much more involved in their own learning.
Innovation: Gamification is a new methodology at school, next year we will be part of a national project Milage.
Transferability: This new methodology can be used in different national or international contexts.
Impact: Organisation