EfVET organised the second VET IN 3D Training Event in Lyon, France

EfVET organised the second VET IN 3D Training Event which took place from May 3 to 5, 2022 in Lyon, France.

The event was hosted by SEPR (Société d’Enseignement Professionnel du Rhône) and attended by about 30 VET practitioners from all across the European Union together with 20 from Western Balkans.

The seminar was conceived to boost the collaboration among the EfVET Thematic Teams involved in the project, namely Inclusive Vocational Excellence, Entrepreneurial Learning and Technology Enabled Learning, giving them the possibility to experiment new formats of collaboration and learn from each other.

On the occasion of this second seminar members of these three Thematic Teams organised working activities, presented success stories and held workshops aimed at generating new synergies among them.

The three thematic groups exchanged and created the basis for joint endeavour on their priority areas at European level. In addition, there was some space dedicated to the implication for the green economy which has been identified as a key sector  given its strategic relevance highlighted by the EU strategy 2020, the Agenda 2030, and recently introduced as a priority by the Erasmus+ programme.

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